...And The Odds and Sods. (2013) 

Aminder Virdee_'...And The Odds & Sods.'(exhibited across the UK and London Galleries with Shape Arts)_2013.jpg

'...And The Odds and Sods' (2013)

Printed Text on Solid Maple Wood. 25mm x 25mm x 25mm (2013).

‘…And The Odds & Sods’ is a protest against the targeting of disabled people by austerity measures. This piece is a statement on The Work Capability Assessment scandal in 2012, in which numerous disabled people lost their lives on a ruling by ATOS that they were ‘fit to work’ and therefore stripped of the benefits they require to retain basic needs and quality of life; ‘Their lives at a throw of a dice.’

Selected for:

  • Shape Open 2013, The Nunnery Gallery, The Chocolate Factory and Lewisham Art House in London and LCB Depot in Leicester.

All images © Aminder Virdee. Use of images is prohibited unless permission obtained by Artist.